Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We are the Backbone of Showbiz

Hi, I"m Calm Munro, acting guide, and I want to take you behind the curtain. Not many of you know the inner workings of showbiz but let me boil it down for you: Actors are the backbone of pretty much everything. Without us directors wouldn't have anyone to push around, producers wouldn't have anyone to have sex with and then blacklist and writers would just be poets.

What makes actors so exceptional is mostly what makes America exceptional: they believe they are. Actors keep telling themselves they are worthy as a way to survive the constant rejection piled on by others.

One time I was asked what kept me going? I told them it was the classics. Shakespeare, Mamet, Durang... Neil Simon. In the dark times I fall back and luxuriate in the canon. And it doth not fail me. There's one other thing that keeps me going and that is the knowledge that all those writers, producers and directors are really just failed actors. As a thespian if you can persevere you've done most of your job. Now add going to the gym and calling your agent and that's a pretty full day right there.

So the next time you see an actor, congratulate them on being stronger than they think they are.

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