Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taking an Acting Class = Peace on Earth

If everyone took an acting class there would be less war. How can you be aggressive to your fellow man/woman if you're in touch with your feelings centre? If GW Bush was in a scene study class or maybe taking a weekly Contact Improv Jam he would have been grounded and he wouldn't have allowed Richard Dreyfus to convince him to lie to the world. Acting class is like a good therapy session but you don't sit in a comfy chair. You lie around in loose clothing with your shoes off. People make fun of acting exercises but pretending to be sizzling bacon is a lot more effective than you think.

War takes a lot of preparation and money. All just to kill each other. Why not spend just 1% of the defence budget on Nationalized Acting Classes and see where it goes? I think we'd be a lot happier. And we'd be having a lot more sex. Let's face it, actors like taking their clothes off.

Plenty reasons to take class not the least of which is Peace on Earth.

Namaste awhile,
Calm Munro

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