Sunday, January 16, 2011

Awards Shows Are Important

People make fun of the Golden Globes but really there is nothing more important than an opportunity to raise up a few above the rest of us. It reminds us that, yes, this is a popularity contest.

Being popular means people like you. And when someone likes you it means others will like you and that equals an eventual self-worth. Actors want you to like them. That's why we do this. Why else would we continue to claw our way to the middle? The money? The artistic satisfaction? No. We do it because we are afraid of being alone. Isn't that why everyone strives to succeed? A lawyer, a dentist, a teacher. We do these jobs not because we want to do jobs but because we want other people to accept us, to find worth in us. Otherwise we'd be homeless. And we just go around peeing in public and using the computers at the library.

So next time you meet an actor at a party don't ask them what they've been up to lately unless you know for sure they've been working. Just tell them they look good. And tell them you watch awards shows. And that you hope to see them on one someday.

1 comment:

  1. I think I understand now. I once met an actor at a party. When he told me he was an actor, I replied, "Cool! How's business?" Just then his cellphone rang and he excused himself. But I never actually heard the phone ring.
