Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Gotta Be Gay to Be Good

Calm here with another instalment of I'm-gonna-tell-you-how-to-live-your-life-even-though-I'm-not-entirely-happy-with-mine.

In acting you have to be able to embrace the weird, the foreign, the awesome. And by awesome I do not mean the "teenage awesome", I mean the spiritual one.

Let's start with the big one: GAY. I use that one as a shorthand for all that terrifies people. The terrifying is exactly what we tackle day in and day out at The Acting Class. We play pretend and we play it to win. We pretend to be old, racist, French, gay, straight, the opposite sex, a beaten wife, a cuckolded husband. All this risk taking means we have to keep class sacred. Because if someone were to come in halfway through class they'd think we lost our marbles.

When all we lost was our inhibition. And in that maybe we've got a little closer to the truth.

Teenagers are not the truth. They might look good. And you may want to have sex with them (until they start talking) but they're not the real thing. Good acting is the real thing. Good acting is the opposite of teens. No matter how gay it might feel.

Open perineums, warm hearts, can't lose,

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