Monday, February 28, 2011

Okay, okay... I'll Write a Book

Calm Munro here, Acting Guide and Life Coach/Spirit Coach. You heard me.

Many students of mine have asked me over the years "Calm, why don't you write a book?" And I've always said to them, a novel is in me, I agree, it's just that I'm so busy being an industry professional. And then they say "No, not a novel, write an acting manual."

Good acting is like catching lightning in a bottle. Now, even modern science can't really explain lightning. Same goes for bottles actually. So trying to explain how to act would be difficult. The short answer is "Take my fuckin' scene study class, moron!" But after I'm finished with the tough love I'd be happy to furnish those that aren't able to take class with a derivative paperback doubling as a long advertisement for my coaching business.

In closing, keep your starry-eyes peeled for the latest and greatest way to spend $24.95 on how to make it as a Performing Arts professional. It's a great life. You don't have a boss, there's lots of sex and plenty of people worse off than you.

Drama hugs and meaningful chats,
Calm M.

New episodes of the Acting Class Web Series Wednesday afternoons!

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